I did a live video about this topic in one my private social media groups. It’s an important topic that speaks to my current VIP Challenge group, where for the entire month of February, we are talking about LOVING OUR BODIES, and providing ourselves the gift of daily self care and more self-love. As women, we are busy loving on everyone else, but sometimes we forget the importance of loving ourselves.

The term is ‘SelF CARE” is one in which we all might have differing opinions and definitions of self care . I just wanted to talk to you specifically about what it has done for me and how consistent self care can seriously make everything else in your life better.

Consistent selfcare (regularly scheduled) will always give you the ENERGY and the DRIVE you need to turn your goals into REALITY. So, we always need that extra level of motivation – It forms the basis of everything else you do!

Without setting aside a little time to take care of yourself, you can feel unfulfilled, tired, and uninspired. You can’t reach goals if you aren’t inspired to set them and reach them.

When I’m talking about self-care, I’m not just talking about pedicures and massages….those are great, but most people can’t sustain those every single day. Some of the things I do every single day that help me feel fulfilled and happy would be eating healthy foods that doesn’t make me feel like crap, exercising on a regular and consistent basis, getting enough quality sleep, drinking my water, and practicing stress management tips and strategies.

HOW you do those things with intention is what I call SELF CARE. Very intentional, scheduled things, that we add to our day to make us feel better. That’s Stacy’s definition of self care. Here’s a little example. Yesterday, I was not feeling stellar. I had a difficult day – I had an early meeting so I had to skip my regular exercise routine, I felt tired and sluggish, no appetite. Just felt off all day. So, I skipped the extra work I had planned on doing last night, took a hot bubble bath, and went to bed early. It’s taking care of me in a way that I can flourish and grow.

Think about it this way … when you take care of your lawn or the plants in your home and garden, they flourish and grow!

You are like those plants – when you take care of YOU, YOU flourish!

On a practical level, that means you have more energy for your family, your career, your friends, hobbies, home, and leisure time, pets, grandkids – whatever it is that’s important to you!

Plus … all that self-care can help you with any body-transformation goals you might have, post-COVID. And let’s face it, 2020 was really hard on many of us in many different ways, and I’m certain that we all have things about our body we’d like to transform in 2021.

Getting back into the habit of taking better care of yourself doesn’t take as long as you might think. After just a day or two, you’ll feel the difference in a BIG way. When you feel good, you’ll want to sustain that.

The hardest part is taking those first few steps. You just have to decide to take the first step!

Here’s my call to action & question for you … What can you do starting TODAY, RIGHT NOW, to take better care of yourself?

What ONE activity will leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day in a whole new way?

For me, that ONE thing is Quality, Restful, uninterrupted SLEEP. In full transparency, my diet may not always be 100% of the time be clean and where I want it to be. And my exercise routine has definitely taken a back seat over the last year of COVID restrictions and my own laziness. But the one thing that I try to give myself as many times a week as possible is 8 SOLID hours of restful sleep. Don’t get me wrong – it sounds easier than you might think. But it actually takes a ton of discipline and structure, and I have systems and strategies that help me make this a priority. And you know what? When I get enough sleep, and am eating clean and plenty of hydration, I feel my absolute best. And for me, SLEEP is my non-negotiable. If you don’t get good sleep, you might consider upping your sleep hygiene and habits and see what it does for you. That’s MY self care tip. What’s your self care tip?

What is it for YOU!? Pick One THING. What one thing makes you feel your very best?

We’re here to support your success and help you reach your goals.

As always, I am committed to helping you find what’s true for you for own health and wellness journey!

Stacy, CHC
[email protected]