The Power of Taking Action

I hope you’re ready for a dose of motivation, because it’s a good one.

It’s still early in the year, so most of us are still setting goals, dialing in our week to week or month-to-month mini goals, and working our plan of action.

If you’ve set your 2021 goals – congratulations! That’s awesome. Now … what do you have to do to make that goal happen?

How to do you track your progress? Do you have to create a phased plan with a spreadsheet in Google Docs to track your progress? I’ve been using a trello board to help me keep things organized.

Is running a goal? Do you have to buy a new pair of running sneakers?

Is working out consistently a goal? Do you still need to go shopping for a workout outfit or equipment?

Is eating a more balanced, plant based diet your goal? Do you have a blender in your amazon cart waiting to make your favorite smoothie in?

All of those things are great … but NONE of them will make your goals happen unless you do something else FIRST.

You have to actually TAKE ACTION toward the goal itself!

One big example: If you want to get in shape, you have to have a plan for your nutrition and increased activity.

Getting some new workout clothes is great, but they won’t get you into shape.

A lot of us get hung up on the prep and the details when going after a goal …. but sometimes never even end up getting started in the first place!

Sure, buying a new workout outfit can be a lot of fun!

But the problem comes into play when we spend more time on the things AROUND our goal instead of taking true action on the goal itself.

The strange thing is, it can LOOK and even FEEL like you’re taking action … but you really aren’t.

We can fall into this cycle because we feel overwhelmed, worried we’re not going to do the right things, or if we aren’t 100% ready to make a commitment to ourselves.

I know these pitfalls because I’ve been there myself.  I’ll share a personal example. When I lost a bunch of weight and accidently started “coaching” a small group of friends and family, I KNEW I wanted to coach others on a larger scale. I didn’t know exactly what that would like or how I could possibly launch a coaching business when I already have a demanding job as an HR Manager that I have no plans to quit. But, the goal was set: I was going to be a health coach.  I did some research on different certifications, looked into different degrees, studied industry requirements, talked to different coaches that coach coaches on how to coach, went round about over this and that and how this is what wanted to do, did more research, and actually accomplished not much in nearly a year. But, I’d made a goal. And it wasn’t happening. SEE THE PROBLEM HERE???

So, I finally jumped into the scary crazy of early 2020 and purchased an accredited, certified health coaching curriculum, studied during the historical 2020 year of the pandemic, took the test I didn’t actually belief I’d ever pass, and BOOM. Done. Check. Now what?   Doesn’t matter.  I made the goal, I broke it down into manageable pieces, and I did it. I was a certified health coach. My goal had a glitch. I had no other goals to build into, let alone a goal to build a business.  I mean, it’s working out for me, so I’m happy with where goals have taken me. But my point is, there is no perfect plan. IMPERFECT ACTION is better than PERFECT INACTION? An Imperfect Plan is always better than NO Plan.

It’s so true! Can you related to this?

If you find yourself caught in the cycle of constantly preparing …. but not taking action, just DO ONE THING toward your goal.

Want to move more: Set a goal to walk more steps or more time than is typical. Want to eat healthier? Stop grabbing the cookie or fast food and grab an apple or actually buy groceries to cook a healthy meal. Want to tighten up your bum? Do some squats while you’re watching Netflix … just do SOMETHING.

You’ll feel SO MUCH BETTER once you begin taking those actions.

Which leads me to a question: What can you do today to move yourself closer to your goal?

Just one thing!

And if you want a plan of action that works with your life, schedule, and goals, I can help. I offer lots of different coaching services, VIP challenge offerings, and FREE Facebook groups. Pick a place to start and you’ll be better for it and closer to any goal you set.

As always, I am committed to helping you find what’s true for you for own health and wellness journey!

Stacy, CHC

[email protected]