10 things you might be doing that zap your energy!

Good morning!

Here’s a problem that affects a LOT of people … a lack of energy!

Before the pandemic, the number of people who said they often felt tired was around 43% … and during the pandemic that number shot up to 60%.

In keeping with our “clean it up” theme this month, I thought it would be helpful to list some things you can do to cut out a few sneaky drains on your energy.

Because the truth is, many everyday habits can actually leave you feeling tired.

10 Things Draining Your Energy

1. Not getting enough exercise. Not moving your body can make you want to move even LESS! Making time for exercise can get your blood pumping, improve your endurance, and boost your energy.

2. Eating processed and refined carbs. These might give you a quick shot of energy thanks to the blood sugar rush … but when your body sends out insulin to remove the sugar, it can make your blood sugar level plummet – leaving you tired and drained.

3. Not getting enough quality sleep. Even if you haven’t already read our SLEPP blog, the bottom line is: your body needs sleep to fully recover and recharge.

4. Food sensitivities. One side effect of eating foods that your body is sensitive to includes fatigue. If you think that you might have sensitivities, it’s worth checking with your doctor. Common culprits include gluten, dairy, corn, soy, and eggs.

5. Eating too LITTLE. Not getting enough fuel (i.e., food) can make you feel tired – and so can eating a poor-quality diet without enough nutrients.

6. Not getting enough protein. Studies show that eating protein boosts your metabolism, and scientists believe this may help prevent tiredness.

7. Drinking too little water. Studies show that being even a little dehydrated can make it harder to stay focused and leave you feeling drained.

8. Energy drinks (including coffee). Like refined carbs, these can send your energy up before crashing back down. Not only that but caffeine can take up to 8 hours to clear your system, making it harder to get a good night of sleep, adding to the energy drain.

9. Stress. Feeling constantly stressed can definitely deflate your energy, both mentally and emotionally. Just another reason it’s important to have (and follow!) a plan for managing stress.

10. Being in a negative environment. It’s possible to “catch” the moods of the people around you, but being aware of it can help lower your susceptibility, as can finding things that make you feel positive!

Bottom line … move your body … eat healthy whole foods … drink your water … and surround yourself with a positive environment … and your energy should quickly return!

If it doesn’t, it’s worth mentioning to your doctor to see if you have an underlying issue.

If you are otherwise health and ready to take your health/fitness to the next level, check out our next VIP Transformation Challenge which is updated each month to bring fresh new content and a fun group of ladies who will help support and motivate you. Once you purchase your first challenge, you’ll automatically be included for free in every challenge after that for as long as you decide to stay on our group page.

Have you requested our True For You Wellness CLEAN IT UP Guide yet? It is a beautiful guide on how to clean up lots of areas of our life and make some small, yet important, shifts to living a cleaner lifestyle. If you register to receive our newsletter, we will send it to you for free before it hits our content library.

Make it a great day!

Stacy Malone, CHC

True For You Wellness




