Pioneer Day Cheesecake

Crust Ingredients:

1 cup Macadamia Nuts
1 cup Blanched almond flour
¼ cup Unsweetened shredded coconut
3 TBSP Melted coconut oil or butter
Pinch Sea or pink Himalayan salt

Filling Ingredients:

1 Lemon
3 8 oz Cream cheese packages, softened
1 cup Powered confectioner’s swerve (or less to taste)
1 TSP Vanilla
3 Eggs, whole
1 8 oz Container sour cream
1 CUP Total berries of coice (blueberries, rasperries, strawberries)


Preheat oven. Combine and chop macadamia nuts in a food processor or with a chopper. Add in melted coconut oil (or butter), salt, and almond flour. Pulse together until combined (expect mixture to be lumpy). Press firmly into a spring form pan to form crust in bottom. Bake approx.. 12 minutes of sooner if edges start to turn brown. Remove from oven and allow to cool.

To mix filling, zest and juice lemon. In a medium/large mixing bowl, mix softened cream cheese with a mixer on medium  speed. Once smooth, add confectioner’s Swerve,

2 TBSP of lemon juice, vanilla and incorporate well. Add eggs and ¼ cup of sour cream and mix on low until well mixed (for best results, do not overmix). Stir in 2 TSP fresh lemon zest; reserve another 1 TBSP for presentation top of cheesecake.

Pour filling mixture into cooled crust. For even cooking distribution, cook on a metal cookie sheet. Bake for minimum 45 minutes, or until center is set, or knife comes out clean. Cool complete for no less than 1 hour. Loosen cake from pan sides before removing springform. Cover and refrigerate overnight for best results.

Optional topping: combine rest of sour cream and zest and refrigerate for another few hours. Top with berries and enjoy.