Shop local for a seasonal summer win!

Good morning!

Do you know where your food comes from? (NOTE: the Dad joke response, “the grocery store” is not what I mean 🙂 )

I’m talking about the actual FARM where it was produced and grown. And speaking of grocery stores, so many more of them are carrying (and highlighting) locally grown foods … which is fantastic.

There are SO MANY BENEFITS to buying locally grown/raised foods.

First, you’re supporting a local business, which is always a plus for the health of the local economy.

But there are also benefits to YOU!

1 – Local produce is allowed to ripen on the vine, which means it has more nutrients. Most non-local produce has to be picked early in order to safely make the long journey to your grocery store (and not over-ripen in the process).

2 – Local produce is fresher – which means more nutrients. The quicker the trip from the farm to your table, the more nutrients your food contains.

3 – You can get access to more produce varieties, especially heirloom veggies & fruits, boosting the number of micronutrients you eat!

Most large farms that ship their produce long distances stick to varieties that are tough enough to make the trip.

4 – This depends on the farm, but organic local farmers use healthier, more sustainable farming practices. This can lower your exposure to pesticides and other chemicals, and it’s better for your local environment.

It’s win-win-win all the way around: fresh, healthy food that tastes great and is good for you – and also good for the local economy and environment! If you feel stuck with no clue how to clean up your food choices, you do not have to go at alone. Check out our Service page where we can offer you lots of affordable options.

Speaking of affordable, if you’re ready to take your health/fitness to the next level, check out our next VIP Transformation Challenge which is updated each month to bring fresh new content and a fun group of ladies who will help support and motivate you. Once you purchase your first challenge, you’ll automatically be included for free in every challenge after that for as long as you decide to stay on our group page.

Have you requested our True For You Wellness CLEAN IT UP Guide yet? It is a beautiful guide on how to clean up lots of areas of our life and make some small, yet important, shifts to living a cleaner lifestyle. If you register to receive our newsletter, we will send it to you for free before it hits our content library.

Make it an awesome day,

Stacy Malone, CHC

True For You Wellness