Good morning,

I’m seeing a recurring theme in my social media feeds and I don’t much like it. There are lots of catchy phrases out there in fake-Facebook land that are supposed to be inspiring but are actually a little demotivating instead. How many times today have you read things like:

  • Go big or go home!
  • Got to hustle and grind your way thru it
  • Just do it because I said so.
  • Embrace the suck and just get it done.

The “hustle and grind” mentality is NOT the fastest path to your SUSTAINED, life-long results. In fact, for some people, it’s a path to NOWHERE.

Especially if you have responsibilities … like a career, family, home, pets, etc.!

It’s true: the idea of “go hard or go home” might be exciting at first.

But a few weeks later? Not so much.

This way of thinking can leave you feeling tired, sore, and worn out! All that stress can actually work AGAINST you.

There IS a better path. It isn’t a quickie weight loss fad or “diet”. It’s a balanced approach to living a healthier alternative to learning how to create sustainable, life-long change, that isn’t dependent upon restriction and deprivation. It also includes:

  • Listening to your body’s cues of hunger and fullness
  • Making small, sustainable changes that add up to BIG results over time
  • Creating new healthy habits that actually support your lifestyle
  • Learning how to leverage daily activity that helps you reach your goals and GIVE you energy, not drain it
  • Eating the right combo of natural, nutrient-dense foods that support your body’s needs AND goals (and doesn’t make you feel deprived)
  • Integrating lifestyle tweaks (sleep, stress management) that keep your hormones and body in balance.

The best thing? It’s about building a healthy lifestyle that you can follow (and enjoy!) for years to come. I can show you another way – just like how we’ve helped lots of others to reach their health goals. It IS a bit of a mind shift, but if you’re open to a different way of thinking about food and how to develop a better relationship in which food no longer has the power over you – YOU develop the power over it. It has zero to do with the number on the scale determining your value or success. It’s about health – not weight.

Let’s talk. Reply to this email to schedule a time for us to chat about how to map out a path to help support you as you reach your personal goals. If you’re looking for an easy and informative place to start improving your health goals, check out our website and upcoming VIP transformation challenges.

Looking forward to connecting,

Stacy Malone, CHC


PS. Here’s a recent client testimonial that hasn’t even hit my website yet.

Stacy’s approach and focus on HEALTH rather than weight loss has been a game changer for me. She’s helped me adopt a different mentality to my own HEALTH which leaves me feeling empowered and not broken or shamed. Previously, I felt like a failure if I didn’t lose weight to someone else’s expectations. This new way of thinking is sustainable and something that adds to my life balance and doesn’t leave me feeling deprived and miserable every day!