SUBJECT: Getting a little personal today…

Good morning,

I had a conversation with a client the other day, and I realized that I needed to open up and share something personal.

You might not know this about me, but I am also in the constant and never ending state of health improvement. I used to be an unhappy, stressed-out, over scheduled, never able to lose the weight, negative self-talker who spent A LOT of time complaining about my weight and dissatisfaction with all the things I felt like I wanted to be different but didn’t really KNOW where to start. I was pretty successful in the past at losing 10 lbs. and gaining 20. Fast forward to 2018, when I saw a picture of myself at my daughter’s graduation and I seriously did not even know who I was looking at in the photo. “Who’s that fat old lady with my daughter?”  It was a 210 lb. wake-up call. I opted for a very restricted keto-type of nutritional plan that did help me lose the weight I didn’t believe was actually possible. However, what it did NOT teach me was how to maintain my weight without being miserable. I didn’t know how to live a life that didn’t involve emotional eating or ridiculous calorie restriction.  I became a slave to the scale, thinking that staying at or under someone else’s defined “goal weight” either made me a success or the inability to do so defined me as a failure. I was completely obsessed with every macro, every calorie, every bite of food that went into my mouth. What I never learned was to create balance – to UNLEARN what someone else was telling me to do and to RELEARN how to read my own hunger and fullness ques, TRUST in my brain and my body to do what they are created to do, and to understand that even though I had successfully healed my pre-diabetes and obesity, I had not healed my broken relationship with food.

In fact, a pivotal moment in my journey came in the throws of a worldwide pandemic. Lots of people blame COVID-19 for their 2020-19 LB weight gain. The pandemic actually taught me how to trust that my body and brain could figure this out without someone else telling me all the things I should not eat. And although I did not LOSE 19 COVID pounds, I did manage to successfully maintain weight (which my body has historically considered my “happy weight”) for the entire year of pandemic craziness.

Looking back at my journey of transformation, I have come to accept that my brain and body are getting better and improving at eating in a natural way for me. FOR ME! And I honestly believe that each one of you can achieve this if you haven’t already. It takes time, a mind shift, some patience, and lots of love of self-love and acceptance. I can tell you that it’s worth it. In 100% full disclosure, my own weight is not 100% where I’d prefer it to be, but I know that it will balance out where I want it when my own self-care, schedule, nutrition and exercise are in balance. I’ve been experimenting with different types of exercise, times that work best for me, frequency and duration. I’m so thankful that I am able to live a life that doesn’t include complete obsession with ALL THE THINGS. And you can live your life like that too. This new toolset has had a powerful impact on my mindset and gives me the confidence I need to keep doing what I know is working.

I’m lucky that I have the honor to not only coach people who want to lose weight, but I also coach people at how to improve their quality of life and health with small, simple changes, set up boundaries that help them be more successful, and celebrate their new confidence and self-esteem.

This is why I am so passionate about doing what I do – because I get to help women learn how to get more sleep, have more energy, gain an improved positive self-image, and learn to be happy with a lifestyle they can enjoy and embrace.

I know firsthand what this journey feels like … and it isn’t rocket science to make small, simple changes to revamp your life!

It DOES take an open mind and a willing spirit to think differently, by working with your body as an ally, and not working against it. Your body is not the enemy. With intentional tweaks and focusing on what makes YOU feel better vs. what leaves you feeling drained and defeated.

So, WHAT’S YOUR STORY? What do you WANT it to be? I’m here to support you and help you achieve your health improvement goals – I BELIEVE IN YOU!  If you’re ready to make a real change, email me today and request a free 1:1 Discovery call so we can talk about your goals. Do not waste another day, month, or year. It’s time to reach those goals – once and for all! How can help you?

Stacy Malone, CHC

PS. If you’re looking for an easy and informative place to start improving your health goals, check out our website and upcoming VIP transformation challenges.