What’s Keeping You on the Sidelines? Why Mobility Matters

Is this keeping you on the sidelines?

Good morning,

One of my long-term clients was recently on a car trip with her family, headed to a theme park for a long anticipated getaway for their extended family reunion weekend…

She had been planning it for most of the summer. She even put in extra time at work to get ahead, logging extra hours to catch up and crunch numbers to meet a deadline while she was gone. After what seemed like an eternity, they packed up and were on their way! They stopped at their favorite restaurant for a quick bite and as she got out of the car, her entire body seized and locked up. Nothing about her body wanted to move. So she did that painful, slow shuffle across the parking lot. As the kids were laughing and mocking her, she knew this was bad. And although she tried to suck it up for the trip, the pain continued with no relief. She feared riding the rides at the park, and she passed on ALL OF THE FUN activities her family had planned.

She’d admitted later at having experienced some tightness & soreness before the trip from all of her sitting at work, but those extra hours pushed her body over the edge, like so many of us that have sedentary jobs.

Whether it’s sitting all day for work, hunching over your phone, or just plain slouching in line at the grocery store – if it becomes a habit, it can begin to have a long-term effect on your body.

Experts estimate 80% of people will have back pain at some point during their life, much of it preventable … and I don’t want you to be one of them!

Your mobility has EVERYTHING to do with not only how you move and feel … but with the quality of life you have.

That’s why this month I’m going to be talking a lot about your muscles and why it’s SO IMPORTANT to keep them strong and supple (beyond just how they make you look!).

You won’t even believe some of the stats I’m going to share with you during MOBILITY MONTH. If you know that mobility is a struggle for you, or it is not where you want it to be, you’ll definitely want to request my free MOBILITY GUIDE. It will help improve AND keep your body in the best shape possible.

Be sure to register for my website and follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts now so you don’t miss our FREE 6-Day Mobility Challenge coming up this month! I’ll take you step-by-step through some of my favorite stretches and exercises that work FAST to help restore your body’s natural movement and balance.

When you’re ready to take your health goals to the next level, let’s schedule a quick call to see how I can help you identify your goals, increase your energy level, improve your self-confidence, feel better and enjoy being more comfortable in your own skin; let’s help you to rediscover your inner diva, and even get you back on the road to move like you did in your twenties or thirties. Email me at [email protected] to book your free 1:1 Discovery Call.

Because if I’ve learned ANYTHING, I’ve learned that when we feel better, we move better, we LIVE better in a fuller, more beautiful, active life. Don’t let another day go by without doing something to improve your health and overall wellness. I’m here to help you get started on your health journey.

Make it an amazing day,

Stacy Malone, CHC

True For You Wellness


5 Exercises for a Healthier Back (acefitness.org)
