Feel free to use these calculators for your own information. However, know and understand that my health and wellness philosophy is less about weight, BMI, and other “health” related markers, and more about how people FEEL about their body, their relationship with food, and helping people understand that food is fuel. What you fuel with is as important as the quality of the gas you put in your car. There are so many variables, facts, and considerations  when trying to find out what’s true for you for YOUR ideal weight. Don’t be ruled by a specific number or an “ideal” vision of your perfect body. There is no perfection, but only continual improvement as you learn to love your body, enjoy your self care routines, and deprogram your brain from the indoctrination of the “diet” culture. Live your life now, trust and respect your body, and enjoy life with improved health and wellness through lifestyle changes, not a “diet”.