“Having Stacy in my corner to help me navigate this last year as been very helpful. She has helped me to focus on the positive and less on the negative, focusing in on what I can control vs. what I can not. Together, we have worked through minimizing stress and maximizing sleep hygiene, increasing physical activity and integrating actual structured exercise, and helping me find ways I can better organize family meals and preparation to save us time throughout the week.” - ME

“Never have I ever had someone who can resonate with me so clearly in an effort to understand my motivation and help build my confidence and support me in my change transformation. At first I thought it was about weight loss, but after a few 1:1s I learned that my own negative self-talk was self-sabotaging my own success. Invest in yourself and see what can happen.” - SB

“Coaching with Stacy is a game changer. No more cookie cutter, everyone follows the same plan approach. Instead, real and personal coaching designed to get to the things that matter most to make lifelong and sustainable changes with authentic encouragement along the way. Taking charge of life and health has never been so easy.” - TL


Packages and Services

What’s a Health & Wellness Coach? As a Certified Health & Wellness Coach, I’ve learned how to partner with clients and help them connect the things that are really important to them and collaborate together to co-create an action plan to help clients achieve the best version of themselves, based on their own true beliefs.

What’s TRUE for YOU? How can I help you achieve your self-desired dreams of WHO you want to be to become as healthy as possible, in all areas: body/mind/spirit? What does “wellness” mean to you and how can I help you identify the barriers that are keeping you from attaining it? I understand that YOU are a WHOLE person, even if you are not currently satisfied with your own current state of wellness. Let’s help you not only survive, but THRIVE as a whole, flourishing person, living a better life today and tomorrow than yesterday or last year, or even the last decade! You are your own expert and I’m just here to help you put into action the things you WANT to accomplish, but don’t or won’t do on your own by serving you as an accountability partner.

For a coaching services menu, CLICK HERE  and email me at [email protected] so we can talk and collaborate on how to put together a package that’s the right fit for you. We have a variety of group options with many different price points for different budgets. Or we can put together 1:1 coaching options for a higher level of personal accountability. Together, we can find out what’s true for your health and wellness transformation.

For a deeper dive of potential benefits of working with a collaborative and support health coach, keep reading.

Five ways I can help you improve your life for the better, as your Health & Wellness Coach:
  1. Help you dial in on your focus by understanding and appreciating your values and vision, beliefs, and improvements you desire.
  2. Co-create an action plan to help you achieve your goals by setting you up for success and a framework of accountability.
  3. Help you identify your personal barriers or speedbumps that stand in the way and eliminate or plan for how you will handle those situations.
  4. Hold you accountable to your goals and action plans with check-ins, reminders, and 1:1 sessions.
  5. Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements when you reach your goal! Maybe even celebrate by the setting of your next set of goals and next accomplishment. Once you’ve learned new coping skills and behaviors, you’re well positioned to do this on your own or I’m happy to assist you with your next round of goals.
As a certified Health and Wellness Coach, I am here to serve your desired health and wellness goals.
  • What do you want to change in your life?
  • In what areas have you tried but you been unable to change successfully in the past?
  • What kind of lifestyle changes do you WANT to make but have not found the way to do it that works for you?
  • How amazing would it be for you to make a body, mind, and spirit shift in your mentality to change your way of thinking?
  • What would your future look like when you can stop worrying that your current lifestyle is increasing your susceptibility to chronic disease, pain, or inflammation?
  • How much better would you feel if you could learn how to use balanced nutrition strategies to replace expensive medications?
  • What would change in your life if you decide it is finally time to put an end to the mental exhaustion you feel from symptoms of depression, anxiety, long term weight gain or inability to lose weight?
  • In what ways have you lost your groove, confidence, and drive to feel sexy? Take your power back – become your version of the you that you did not think possible.

Whether you are trying to lose weight, manage chronic stress or acute situations, tacking transitions in your life if you’re ready to make some life and health changes for the better, we can team up to help you meet your goals. Act today and create a better tomorrow by making small shifts by collaborating to set realistic, smart goals and co-create a plan of action to support you in reaching your heart’s desired change. How much quicker could you successfully reach your maximum potential with me as your health and wellness coach – cheering you on and supporting your endeavors? I am here, ready, and willing to be your personal accountability partner and cheerleader!

Let’s talk today to discover how we can get you on the road to feeling your best and most confident, whether it is enhanced health and wellness through more balanced nutrition, improved sleep hygiene, better stress management tools and resources. By listening and understanding your values and motivations, we will collaborate to come up with your personalized change plan and set you up with a structured framework to help you stay on course to realize your goals.

 Examples of Previous Clients:
  • Women who have lost their sense of self, sometimes after years of taking care of others and putting other’s needs above their own, and don’t know how to find their authentic self again
  • Those lacking a positive support system to help them achieve healthier lifestyle goals
  • Someone wanting an accountability partner to help them take control of necessary lifestyle interventions to improve health and minimize potential health risks
  • Those who are tired, frustrated, and dissatisfied with your current situation but don’t know how to break out of your status-quo
  • Exhausted by the thought of another “diet” or the weight that can’t seem to drop successfully
  • Lack of confidence in your own skin and can’t remember the last time you felt sexy (or can’t even WANT to feel sexy)
  • Fed-up with the sugar/soda/junk food cycle of climb, crash, burn, repeat
  • Desires to improve nutrition and to provide healthful meal options without breaking the bank
  • Want some tips and tricks on daily lifestyle shifts that are tiny on the surface, but make a big impact over time
  • Are you running out of excuses, time, or reasons to NOT give up on yourself?
  • Stop the self-sabotage and find your give a damn again!
  • Looking for a community of other forward-thinking people who just want to keep getting better and better and will encourage you to do the same.
Potential Components of Personal Programs:
  • Collaborative client-centered coaching where the client makes all the decisions!
  • Exploration and co-creation of a personalized plan to set attainable goals and reach milestones along the way
  • Guided strategies to decrease stress and improve sleep hygiene
  • Support lifestyle changes including tiny shifts to include more physical activity and/or consistent weight loss management, without spending 3 hours a day in the gym
  • Review of current nutritional and physical activity and identify simple tweaks to improve upon
  • How to minimize time in the kitchen while maximizing food prep strategies
  • Coach offered support and continued encouragement along the way for any lifestyle changes the client chooses to pursue.