New Year? What’s Different?

Happy New Year. So much fuss about this next year. So much optimism. So much enthusiasm. Resolutions, goals, intentions… we are all full of them. What’s the difference, do you think, between the excuses of 2020 and the intentions of 2021?

Let me get straight to the point: when Thursday, December 31st turned into Friday, January 1st, what changed for you overnight that voided out 2020 and renewed your sense of optimism in 2021? Besides having to bust out a new calendar planner, and putting away your holiday décor, what changed for you?

Here’s my theory: it’s all about a mindset shift. WE WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT in 2021 that we didn’t get, couldn’t find, or failed to change in 2020. Yet we wake up on January 1st shouting from the rooftops, “HAPPY NEW YEAR. Good riddance 2020! You sucked, let’s never go back, don’t let the door hit you in the a$$”. Seems to me that many of us, myself included, have leveraged 2020 for every blame to be cast for EVERYTHING that didn’t go our way. Well, guess what? I had some incredible successes in 2020.

2020 was actually a GREAT year for me professionally – I learned a ton of really valuable lessons that would not have presented themselves if it were not for 2020 – The Year of CRAZY. Personally, I connected with people in a totally different format and although, not my preferred way of communication, I was forced to flex, pivot, and adapt to my new reality of zoom proms, virtual high school graduations, the invention of the telemed appointment, 2 full weekend days to do absolutely nothing that weren’t ridiculously overscheduled and double-booked, learning how to paddleboard, quiet holidays spent at home alone with my little family and our pups, games, movies, basement hoard cleanouts, the gift of more time at a S.L.O.W.E.R. pace than ever. WHAT A GIFT!

No doubt, 2020 was a challenging year, frequently unpredictable, socially erratic and at times scary. Yet here we are. We must go on and hope for the best that 2021 has to offer.

  • Will you allow 2021 to dictate the year to you? Will you make 2021 the year that you take your power back and OWN your world? Will you stop allowing fear and excuses to dictate your health and wellness?
  • What will you change in 2021 to make your life more fulfilling, active, exciting, passionate, and a life worth living to the very fullest? Are you creating the YOU that you want to be for your family, your kids, grandkids, spouse, parents, friends, coworkers? Who do you want to be in 2021?
  • As you craft your 2021 health goals, please remember that trying to “fix” a health-related habit with radical and unsustainable changes will rarely help to create a long-term healthful habit. Making small tweaks, and adding onto those small changes from week to week, can help you sustain change talk into change action.
  • WHAT IS YOUR #1 GOAL FOR 2021? I’d love to hear about it – do you want some accountability? Email it to [email protected] so I can check in with you throughout the year.
  • Are you a talker or an action taker? That’s the inspiration behind our True For You Wellness Action Taker’s 2021 Weekly Mini Challenge subscription. By using a private group platform on Facebook, we are able to offer 52 weeks of mini challenge themes, with each week offering a different food of the week, a recipe to support the food of the week, and some fun, interactive conversations, tips, resources, FREE workshops and classes.

If you want to be an action taker in 2021, by making small shifts and tweaks to your lifestyle, join us for a full year of content! If you aren’t ready to commit to a full year of challenge content, you can always join our TFYWellness Seekers FREE Facebook group community (currently accepting membership requests from ladies only). You can CLICK HERE to sign up and receive more information on our private group communities, full challenges, small group accountability and 1:1 coaching options via email.

HAPPY New Year! How can I help you do something different with this one?