5 Reasons for your Plateau

Happy April! Are you ready to ramp up your results? I hope so because this month I’m focusing on the TOP ACTIONS you can take to 10x your results …

… even (especially!) if you’re stuck in a plateau.

Basically, a plateau is when your results stall out and you stop seeing the progress you saw when you first started your program.

Nearly EVERYONE goes through a plateau from time to time. It’s not a fun place to be – but the good news is that if you DO experience one (or are in one right now), there are a few key things to pay attention to…

Keep reading for access to your FREE ebook resource that will help you get better results.

1. You Are “Kinda-Sorta” Following Your Program.

Have you started to slack on your plan? Be honest! This is one of the top causes of plateaus and it’s a good sign to shake things up with new recipes, workouts, or injecting some more FUN into the mix!

2. Your Body is Used to Your Workouts or Exercise Plan.

This is another top cause of plateaus! The good news is this means you’re healthier. It also means it’s time to (safely) challenge your body in a different way.

Regular updates to your plan is going to be KEY to your success! A great coach can help you quickly identify small tweaks to fire up your results again.

3. Hormones, Stress, Sleep Deprivation, and More. Your body isn’t a machine! It’s an incredibly complex organism that functions best when it’s in balance.

So many things can throw it out of balance, from being overtired to overstressed and even undernourished and overworked.

4. You’re Not REALLY In a Plateau (Part 1). If you only rely on the scale to track your results, you’re missing out!

Your body could actually be changing in a big way EVEN if the scale doesn’t move. That’s why it’s important to measure other things – like the percentage of body fat or circumference measurements.

5. You’re Not REALLY In a Plateau (Part 2). If you’re struggling to lose those “last 5 pounds,” you might be at a weight that’s healthy and natural for your body.

Losing those pounds can take extra effort – as can keeping them off once you hit your goal.

I hope this list helps you rev up your results.

Text  Description automatically generatedThe fastest and surest way to get – and keep – your momentum going is to work with an experienced coach with resources to help you make the necessary adjustments to your lifestyle, co-create an action plan to set you up for success, and help you find solutions to your desired transformation. Together, we can make adjustments as you need to make sure you stay on track with your goals to get the results you’re looking for! Accountability is key and working with me can help you see results faster. It’s my passion to help you find your happiest and healthiest self.

And if you want a plan of action that works with your life, schedule, and goals, I can help. I offer lots of different coaching services, VIP challenge offerings, and FREE and subscription Facebook groups. Pick a place to start and you’ll be better for it and closer to any goal you set.

As promised, if you’re ready to get serious about your transformation, click here to request your FREE ebook “Break Through Your Plateau Guide.“ or subscribe to my newsletter through the website.

As always, I am committed to helping you find what’s true for you for own health and wellness journey!

Make it an amazing day,

Stacy Malone, CHC

[email protected]
